Thursday, January 31, 2013

January 31- Fun Field Trip!

The big news for today was the field trip to the bakery.  We had a great time watching the place in action!  The games and activities were fun- and we even got a snack of fresh baked bread...  yum yum! I am sure your child will have many stories to tell about their favorite part of the trip.  I enjoyed the "bun highway"!

A special thanks to Alecia, Joshua, Alphonse, Keri, Rosemary, and Patty for driving and helping during the visit!  I am so impressed with the level of involvement of the parents in room 13!

Tomorrow is the end of the second grading period, so we have a teacher planning day to go over assessments and write report cards.  I hope you all enjoy your three-day weekend.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

January 30

Hi everyone!

Please take a look in backpacks for note about trip tomorrow.  It is important for everyone to wear rubber soled tennis shoes, and no jewelry of any kind.  We have a shortened lunch time tomorrow, so if you can send cold lunch, it would give your child more time to eat.  We will leave at 12:00.  The tour begins at 12:30 and goes until 2:00.  Then we will return to school for PE.

Also, please return homework tomorrow because there is no school Friday.

"It was really nice when Catalina played horses with me on the playground because my other friends were busy." Grace
"Today we learn that vegetables give you vitamin A and vitamin A helps your eyesight!" Calvin & Cole
We also practiced being very quiet.  We have all decided that we learn better when others are very quiet.  We will continue to help each other be quiet so that others can learn.

*on a personal note:  thank you to all for being understanding these past few weeks.  I was very ill last week, then my little boy was sick, then his caregiver was sick this week.  I had to be out of the classroom taking care of myself and my little guy.  Hopefully we all have "kicked" this illness and will not need to be gone for a while.  I appreciate the support!

Monday, January 28, 2013

Monday January 28

Hi everyone!

Here are some news and compliments from the kids:
"When I asked Della and Grace to play at recess they said yes!" Aoife
"I really liked art project we did in the art room with Aoife and Sami's moms!" Zac (and many others)
"I thought is was cool that the flag of Peru was on the the way, it is more than 1/2 red." Catalina
" I enjoyed hearing the story "How My Parents Learned to eat!" Seth and Grace

So...lately we seem to have much trouble with kids chatting all of the time.  If you have time, please talk to your child about what their job is at school.  We have done much work in the classroom talking about how our job is to learn, and also not to stop others from learning.  When we talk during work time, we stop ourselves from learning and others from learning.  I appreciate this "back-up" at home.

See you tomorrow!

Thursday, January 24, 2013

January 24

Hi everyone...
Well the "bug" finally got me and I was quite sick for the last 5 days!  High fever, coughing, sneezing, the doctor actually gave me a note saying I should be out until Friday, but of course I could not stay out any longer!  Our guest teachers said that, overall, the class was great!  It is nice to know that when I am gone I can concentrate on getting well and not worry that the students will continue to learn.  Thanks to all of you!

News and Compliments from the kids...

"Della returned a book when I asked." Savannah
"When I asked Mrs. Robb for the extra science book to keep, she said yes!" Aoife
"I liked the two new math games." Zac
"Thanks Mrs. Robb for saying that I did good work on the math test today! Sami

Remember:  library books, homework, and PERMISSION SLIPS tomorrow.

See you then!

Friday, January 18, 2013

Friday January 18

A quick Friday update:

A few ideas from the class:
"At math time, it was nice when Lainey played a game with me." Katie
"Lainey said she would draw me a picture over the weekend and I'm really excited to see it." Savannah

Remember permission slips for the field trip.  We can still use some drivers.

Have a wonderful Martin Luther King Jr. day!  See you on Tuesday!

Thursday, January 17, 2013

January 17

Hi everyone!

We spent some time today learning more about the "grain group" and how the nutrients we get from the grain foods give us energy.  Here are some other things the students enjoyed today:

"I enjoyed learning more about the grain group and I really like the food pyramids on the wall." Ava

"I liked the new math game, 'Caterpillar Fill & Add'." Sami

"I enjoyed it when the sun powered the motor on the crystals on the window and then it was "Rainbow Time!" Grace

"I enjoyed playing the new math game with Hannah." Aoife

Homework and library books are due tomorrow.
Please continue to return permission slips.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

January 16

We had a short, but busy, day.  The kids have many ideas about today:

"It was nice when Grace and I played "Cross the pond and she let me go first!" Maddy
"I liked when Ava and Mdeline played with me at recess." Grace
"I liked the new math game "Last One Wins". Sami
"I liked the new math game "Faces of Mystery" William
"It was nice when Savannah and Aoife let Lainey and me use a math game when they were done with it." Riley
"It was nice to see Kora volunteer to play a math game with another student without being asked.  Thank you Kora!" Mrs. Robb

Have a great day!  Please try to return permission slips as soon as possible!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

January 15

Hi everyone!

Today we talked about bread. I asked the following questions:  Who makes bread?  Who eats bread?  How do people make bread?  Where do people make bread?  Why do people make and eat bread in most places around the world?  Then the students looked in books to answer these questions.

One of my goals for your child this year is to have evidence of this kind of deep thinking and questioning and answering.  If a learner fully understands a concept, they can answer, and pose, these questions.  As you read books and discover new ideas, experiences, and places with your child, talk about the who, what, when, where, why and how.  This will increase their overall language and understanding of the world.

Franz Bakery:
We will be headed to Franz Bakery on January 31st.  Your child brought home a permission slip today.  Please return it to me no later than January 25th so we have time to organize transportation.  Thank you!

News and Compliments from the students:
" It was nice when Kora played a math game with me when I had no partner." Katie
"I enjoyed making a paper boat during choice time using the instructions I found in Curious George Rides a Bike." Peter
"I like sorting blocks by attributes during math." Zac
"Aoife worked on 'Kids in the House' math with me." Grace
"Grace shared a book with me during quiet reading.  We took turns reading and it was nice." Savannah

Late opening tomorrow.  See you at 10:45!

Monday, January 14, 2013

Monday January 14

Happy Birthday Calvin!

We had our first day with parents leading art.  It was great!  Thanks so much to Aoife's mom for taking the lead on this, as well as all of the parents who find time to volunteer!

News and compliments:
"I enjoyed making a paper box with Evan." Peter
"I liked art!" Calvin
"Savannah and Hannah were nice to help me make an art project." Aoife
"Lainey helped me make a paper project." Savannah

See you all tomorrow!

PS: the class iPad project has done well...only $750 more to go!  Wheee!

Friday, January 11, 2013

Friday January 13

Hi Everyone!

You are all amazing!
We have had 16 individual donors and 2/3 of our grant filled!  I am absolutely thrilled and impressed!  Just a final reminder to get the word out: Donor's Choose will match your donation for one more day.  Saturday is the last day!  However, the grant will remain active for donations until May 30th or until the grant is fulfilled, which ever comes first.  I'm crossing my fingers hoping it gets fulfilled long before then!

News and Compliments:
"I would like to compliment the whole class for being very quiet and respectful while they completed their work during literacy time." Mrs. Robb

"Hannah and Aoife were nice when they let me play with them on the playground." Savannah

"Evan helped me with origami at choosing time." Seth

"It was nice when Savannah played with me at recess." Grace

"I enjoyed playing chess with Grace during choice time." Madeline.

Have a wonderful weekend.  Enjoy the sun!

Thursday, January 10, 2013

January 10

Hi everyone!

Big compliment to the class.  The guest teacher said they all did a great job!  Way to go!

News & Compliments:
"Peter taught me how to make a paper box and read a book with me during quiet reading." Sami
"I liked drawing the snowman glyph."- William, Ava, Cole
"Evan taught me how to make origami animals! Seth
"Evan helped me make and origami bunny." Savannah
"I enjoyed making the origami bunnies!" Peter

Just in case you thought that all we did was make origami, we actually had a very full day academically.  In the morning, we spent time reading and writing independently, we discussed the features of "How-to" books, we did a Reader's Theater to introduce us to the 5 food groups.   For math, we "Scouted Out" equations that can help us solve other equations- for example, if you know 5+5=10, then 5 + 6 should be easy to solve.  We use what we know in math to solve the unknown!

Tomorrow please bring homework and library books!  See you then!

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

January 8

Short news today....thank you to those who have already donated to our Donor's Choose project.  Remember, if you have friends or family who want to help support your child's class, this is a great way for them to give just a little - but help very much! 

Today we "launched" into our study of food, nutrition, and good health.  It is a great time of the year to think about healthy living!

Tomorrow I will be at a staff training.  I will see you all on Thursday!

Monday, January 7, 2013

Monday January 7 - Please Read! Lots of News!

1. Grant Opportunity for iPads in our classroom.

This school year, I want to make sure my students have the materials they need to succeed. So I've created a classroom project request on a 501(c)3 charity website called
I'm writing to ask for any donations possible for the students - no matter the size, it will help! This week only, any donation you make to my project will be doubled! If you know anyone who is passionate about education, please pass this along. Your tax-deductible donation will have a direct impact on at least 24 students (and many more in the future), and you'll hear back from our class about your impact on our learning!

To learn more or donate:

1.     Visit my Teacher Page,
2.     Choose my project, enter the amount of your donation, and click "Give"
3.     During check-out, enter the word INSPIRE where it says "Match or gift code", and your donation will be matched dollar for dollar.

The INSPIRE match code will double your donation for the next 7 days.

Please feel free to send me any questions you may have, and know that my students and I greatly appreciate your support.

 2.  Homework and a new spelling information sheet went home today.

The purpose of homework is to provide practice and reinforcement of concepts learned at school.  I also want homework to be relevant and at the appropriate level for your student.

With this in mind, I am providing you with a resource to individualize the spelling homework for your child.  Attached is a Word Bank with the most commonly written words used in everyday writing.  They are leveled according to typical grade level and frequency.

My suggestion would be to start with the first list.  Have your child write each word without looking.  When they misspell a word, add it to that week’s practice list.  Check off the words your child has mastered.

Choose five words each week for your child to practice visualizing and writing that week.  Being able to spell these common words quickly allows your child to concentrate on writing a story instead of spelling a story.  List the words you have worked on at the bottom of the homework cover sheet.  I will leave that box blank for you to fill in.

3.  Book Order- This month the book order will close on Friday the 11th!  
L6VB8 is our online ordering code.  Remember, when you order online you receive a gift certificate to use for next month.  I will close the book order on Friday.  This is completely voluntary!

Whew....that's all for today!

Friday, January 4, 2013

January 4

The day seemed to go by quickly!  We were busy writing, solving math problems, and reading.  Here are some ideas form the kids...
"I really enjoyed the math game 'Crossing the Pond'- we played boys against girls! Zac
"I appreciated that Lainey played a game with me during choice time." Savannah
"Riley played 'Cover Up' with me during math when everyone else was busy working." Aoife

Nice to hear such friendly compliments!

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, January 3, 2013

January 3

News and Compliments:
Today we read the biography "Snowflake Bentley" about the pioneer of micro-photography.  Then we folded and cut very detailed patterns to create snowflakes.  It was a fun, though sometimes challenging, art project!  Zach said he really enjoyed it, and most of the kids was fun!
Here are some of the actual pictures Wilson Bentley took:

"Today I liked playing a math game with Mrs. Robb." Teddy
"I want to give a compliment to Della because she was nice to me during math." Savannah
"Aofie played 'Cover Up' with me during math." Riley

Library tomorrow!  See you then!

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

January 2, 2013

Welcome to a "new year" at school.  We spent some time today talking and writing about our time at home.  We also spent some time reviewing classroom rule and procedures.  We are all working on being independent learners at school.

I want to give a big compliment to Riley, Colin and Ava.  During math, we were practicing our math with Work Place games.  A few students were absent when I introduced a new game to the class before break.  Without being asked, these students taught the game "Cover Up" to a student who missed the explanation.  It really warms my heart to hear about students helping each other learn without being asked.  Great work!

No homework this short week.  If someone has a few minutes tomorrow morning, I need a little help taking down art in the hall.  Thanks!

See you tomorrow...dress warmly!