Monday, August 31, 2015

Monday, August 31

Hello everyone!
Today we began Special Person, which is a daily story telling and writing time.  One person is chosen each day to tell us a story about their family.  Then, everyone writes a story FOR the Special Person about the same topic.  The stories are put into a book for the Special Person to keep.

Grace was the Special Person today!  She told us a story about riding the Tower of Terror at Disneyland!  Thanks for such a great story Grace!

Here are some ideas from today:

"I liked playing tag during PE." Ia
"During silent reading, I found a mythology book that I really liked." Natalie
"I enjoyed creating the name art for my locker." Ryan
"Chosing iPad after I finished my work was nice." Aiden
"I liked writing my Special Person story" Grace
"It was fun to listen to a book on CD." Zoe

Off to the ice cream social!  Hope to see you there!

Friday, August 28, 2015

Friday, August 28 Enjoy some pictures!

Hi everyone!

This has been another lovely day getting to know your wonderful are a few pictures from the day...

Here are some ideas from the students today:

"I really liked library and silent reading time" Grace/Sophia
"I liked the books I checked out from the library" Natalie
"During choice time it was fun to play with Adina!" Sophia
"I liked building a puzzle with Mrs. Robb." Ruby
"Math was fun today!"Aiden
"I liked the math equations we worked on today." Liam
"Ana complimented by shark tooth - that made me feel good." Lucia
"My favorite time of the day was building LEGO designed with Luke and Aiden" Miles
"iPads are really fun!" Aiden
"I enjoyed helping others during choice time (and they really appreciated the help!) Sam
"The circle game during math was fun today!" Ashe
"Playing the marble run with Adina was fun!" Ryan
"I just liked the whole day!" Zoe

Thanks everyone for a great first two days - see you Monday!

Thursday, August 27, 2015

August 27 - First day of second grade!

Hello everyone!

It was wonderful to see you all this morning!  I am really looking forward to getting to know you all better as the weeks go by!

I certainly hope your children have some nice stories to tell you about school today.  We had a very nice day getting to know one another.

Here are some ideas about the day from the students:

"It was very nice when Hayden gave the BIG RED ball back!" Tyler
"I was happy when Mingus played with me at recess." Lucia
"I enjoyed creating art during choice time." Grace
"I liked doing the math problems." Aiden/Liam
"The Circle Game was fun!" Ruby
"I liked making my own desk tag." Natalie
"I really liked when Mrs. Robb read stories to us." Ryan
"Quiet reading time was nice." Ashe

See you tomorrow everyone!