Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Wednesday September 30

Today the Special Person was Ryan, who told us a story about visiting Disneyland where she rode the Finding Nemo Submarine Voyage!  Very fun!

Here are some ideas from the students today:

"Aiden complimented my boots and that made me feel good." Grace
"I learned a new word during literacy block - amphibian!" Aiden
"During literacy learning I learned a bunch of new words by reading "How the Camel got it's Hump" Sam
"I liked it when my friends helped me build a new ship." Aiden
"Adina played a game with me during math." Ana
"I liked completing a math equation sheet." Zoe
"It was fun to measure things around the room during math today!" Natalie
"When I accidentally dropped a bin of books, Natalie helped me clean up." Ashe
"Ashe asked me to help him straighten out the iPad cords - I liked helping out." Liam
"I played Hour or Bust with Freyja during math!" Ia

Thanks everyone!  See you tomorrow!

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Tuesday September 29 - Happy Birthday Brady

Hi everyone!  Today the special person was Ashe and he told us a story about attending a concert with his family this summer.  It turns out that many children have attended concerts, so thank you for the story Ashe - it gave everyone something to write about!

Today we had a visit from the "tree lady" who told us more about trees and leaves.  We heard a story about the Douglass Fir tree (Oregon State tree), saw a HUGE pinecone, and even made homemade paper.  Such a wonderful classroom visitor!  Enjoy some pictures below and have a wonderful day!

Monday, September 28, 2015

Monday September 28

Today the Special Person was Adina who told us a story about visiting a river so she could go kayaking!  Sounds like fun!

Here are some ideas from the students today:

"I liked playing the bean bag game during PE!"  Zoe
"It was nice when I played LEGOs with the boys because they gave me space to build - that was kind." Aiden
"Leaf art today was really fun." Natalie & Ia
"Natalie shared her water today!" Grace

Thanks again to Alison for helping out with art!  Also to Jennifer for the generous gift of proper watercolor paintbrushes - wonderful!

Ask your child about their inchworm ruler - we made the rulers today AND measured items around the room.  Fun!

See you all tomorrow!

Friday, September 25, 2015

Friday September 25

Today the Special Person was Darby who told us a story about snowboarding on Mt. Hood with his family!

Today was the 25th, which we represented as a 5 x 5 grid during the time we explored math during number corner:

We also learned a new song to help us count by 2's.

This afternoon was busy with computer lab, recess, and library time!  Thanks for the great week- see you Monday!

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Thursday September 24

Kaiser was the Special person today and he told a story about visiting Oaks' Park and riding the Scrambler!  The class was divided on whether they liked that ride or not!  But Kaiser sure did!

Today we measured objects using GIANT feet (well, actually 3 foot long large feet - the length of a yardstick) as part of our study on measurement! The students created their own giant feet, measured the hall, and the room, and other large distances.. Here are some pictures of their working time:

The estimation challenge - how long (in giant feet) is the playground?  We will try to find out tomorrow!  Remember, please turn in homework and bring library books!

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Wednesday, September 23

Today the special person was Zachary and he told us a extraordinary story about an amazing visit to Yellowstone National Park where he watched Old Faithful - through a hailstorm!  Wow.

We had another busy day, learning more about reading, writing, math and each other.

In math, we have begun to explore the idea of representing information on a line plot- here is an example:

Have a lovely day!  See you tomorrow!

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Tuesday September 22

Hi everyone!
Today Sophia was the Special Person and she told a story about a special Christmas with her family - wonderful!

Today we had our first classroom visit with Mrs. Mouery.  The students talked about how to help all people feel included at school.

Here are some ideas from the students today:

"We learned a new rhythm in music class." Aiden
"Ashe gave me a new book because I didn't have one!" Grace
"I was happy the book order came today!" Zoe
"We learned half notes/whole notes in music today." Sam
"I liked the book Mrs. Mouery read to us." Ruby
"Using the iPad was fun today."Ia

Enjoy the beautiful afternoon!  See you all tomorrow!

Monday, September 21, 2015

Monday, September 21

Hi everyone!
Today the Special Person was Sam, who told us a story about a camping trip where someone played a spooky prank on the kids!

Today we created pictures of our houses & families with black pen and watercolor paint.  Take a look over the next few days during drop off to see their creative versions of homes and families!

We also began the first day of a two week focus in math on measurement!  We will explore feet, yards, and inches and translate length information to line plots.  Here are some picture of students working together to measure objects in the classroom.

Hope you all had a great weekend!  See you tomorrow!

Friday, September 18, 2015

Happy Friday, September 18

Hi everyone!  Today the special person was Ia and she told about about skiing with her family on Mt. Hood!  Wonderful!

This has been a fun, busy, full week.  We began the PTA sponsored art program this week. Thank you to all volunteers.  Enjoy some pictures from the art time.

Have a beautiful weekend with your family!

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Thursday September 17

Hi everyone!

Aiden was the Special Person and he told us a story about visiting the beach with his parents.  Today, Miles was the Special Person and he told us a story about riding the train to Seattle!  Thank you both!

Here are some ideas about today:

"I liked literacy time because I learned to read some new words." Aiden
"I liked playing games with Grace." Zoe
"Playing "An Hour or Bust" with Grace during math was fun." Ruby
"I enjoyed number corner and getting a new number corner book."
"I enjoy thinking about math equations." Liam

Remember, library books and homework returned tomorrow, Friday.  Thanks!

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Tuesday September 15

Hi everyone!
Today the Special Person was Freyja!  She told us a story about a very fun pool in Bend.  Thanks Freyja!

Everyday there is a new Special Person, until all of the students have had a chance to tell a story.  The rest of the students write a story based upon the theme established by the Special Person, which goes into a book for the Special Person.  We hope that we learn more about how we are the same, even though we are all different.  This is a wonderful way to learn more about each other.

Here are some ideas from the learners today:

"I liked helping the kids find Raz Kids on the iPad." Sam
"It was kind for Sam to use his time to help me use Raz Kids" Liam
"I appreciated my friend Riley helping me when my leg was sore." Ryan
"I liked using the art bucket to create during choice time AND literacy learning time." Grace
"I liked using the art station too." Zoe
"I liked learning more about 3-D shapes when we went upstairs for art." Aven
"It was fun to learn how to draw a cube." Natalie
"I enjoyed having art upstairs and literacy learning time." Ashe

See you tomorrow - remember, 2 hour late opening!

Monday, September 14, 2015

Monday September 14

HI everyone!

Today our Special Person was Brady and he told us a story about diving off a diving board and splashing his sister!  Great story!

A huge thank you for the participation in the book order this month.  Looks like a new iPad will be here in 4-6 weeks!  Horray for Room 13!

Here are some ideas from the students today:

"I was really  happy to be Special Person" Brady
"Yoga during gym was fun!" Sophia
"Me and Grace made creations with the Widgets and it was really fun!" Adina
"I liked quiet reading time because I was able to enjoy my chapter book - and I also liked the portrait art project." Grace
"I enjoyed reading Titanic books with Miles and Luke" Aiden

See you tomorrow everyone!

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Thursday September 10

Hi everyone!

We noticed today that is is the 10th day of school and the 10th day of the month - things don't always line up so nicely!

Aiden was our Special Person today and he told us a story about going fishing with his family.  Thank you Aiden!

Here are some thoughts from today:

"The whole school assembly was fun" Aiden
"I enjoyed playing with Grace and Ana at recess" Sophia
"I liked monster physics on the iPad." Grace
"I enjoyed looking at art then writing about what I saw." Natalie
"Natalie was really nice to me today." Zoe
"Music was fun because we learned a new rap." Aven

Have a great day - enjoy field day tomorrow!

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Wednesday September 9

Hello Everyone!

Yesterday the Special Person was Lucia and she told us a great story about visiting the Clackamas Aquatic Park and going down a big pink slide!

Today the Special Person was Liam and he told us of a family trip to the Galapagos Islands - wow!

We are continuing to learn more about transitions and routines at school as we make the change from first grade to second grade.  As we learn expectations, we also learn more about each other and the words we use to get along with each other at school.  Thank you for all of your support of the positive learning environment of school.

Here are some positive thoughts and compliments from the students today:
"I appreciate how well the boys were explaining how to play 4-square in a fair way." Mrs. Robb
"I liked story time and Number Corner " Grace
"I liked answering questions about the poem." Natalie
"Paying Raz Kids on the computer was fun." Sam
"I enjoyed playing with Ryan today" Lucia
"I liked when Adina helped me with math." Ryan
"Zoe helped me find something I lost." Adina
"It was kind of Zoe and Ashe to help clean the floor at the end of the day" Mrs. Robb

Have a great day!  See you tomorrow!

Friday, September 4, 2015

Friday September 4

Hi everyone!

Let's catch up on the last few days!

Gabe was the Special person on Wednesday- he told us a great story about learning to do a flip dive into the pool.

Aven was special person on Thursday - he told us a story about visiting Harry Potterland with his family.

Today Zoe was special person.  She told us a story about visiting relatives and going creek walking with them.

Here are some more ideas about today:

"Sophia was so nice when she played with me when I was lonely."  Ana
"I liked playing Track Race to 100 during math " Sam
"I liked playing at recess with Ryan and Lucia because they were very nice." Zoe
"Ia was kind when she played Mancala with me." Natalie
"I was really happy to finish my name art because I didn't think I could finish!" Aiden

Thanks to everyone for visiting during back to school night.  I look forward to more time together as the year continues.
Here is a picture of music from yesterday.  Have a great three day weekend!

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Tuesday September 1

Welcome to September!!

Ana was the Special Person today and she told us a wonderful story about jumping into a lake - with her clothes on!!  Funny!

We continue to spend our time learning classroom expectations and routines.  Today we completed a project called "Math About Me"...a little math, a little art...hopefully a lot fun!

Here is what the students said about today:

"Miles gave me an iPad he was using when I asked him to - that was very kind." Liam
"We got five points in music today!! " The class
"During choice time, Freja played Trouble with me even though she does not know how to play because she was being nice." Zoe
"Matilda played with me a lot today and was really nice" Ana
"I liked reading books with Darby during quiet reading" Aiden
"I liked quiet reading time and Number Corner." Grace

Thanks everyone!  See you tomorrow!