Friday, March 18, 2016

Friday, March 18th

Happy (almost) Spring Break! Yesterday our class had a parent-led art class where we learned about how to make prints, and we also attended a play about Abigail Scott Duniway.  We are continuing our exploration of weather and we are also working on fractions.  Have a safe and fun Spring Break!

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Wednesday, March 9th

This week we are continuing our unit on weather.  Our students recently finished writing their own "How To" books, and we will be meeting with our fifth grade buddies this week to share them!

Here are some thoughts from today:
"I learned more about fractions."-Zoe
"Wind helps make weather." -Ana
"The calendar pattern is all fractions." -Tyler
"It made me happy when our class got a four in music." -Aiden B.
"We played a fun new math game." -Grace
"Matilda taught me how to make a daisy chain." -Aiden D.

Enjoy your rainy Wednesday!

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Wednesday, March 2nd

Happy Birthday, Dr. Seuss!  We had a blast at our read-athon today!  We also started our unit on weather yesterday, so make sure to ask your child what they learned.  Tomorrow we will begin work on our Nevelson project, so please send in any scrap wood or old wood pieces that you would be willing to donate to our art project.  Keep an eye out for pictures to come!

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Tuesday, March 1st

Happy March!  This week we will be starting a brand new unit on weather.  Your second graders are also working on regrouping with subtracting, solving story problems, and learning about Dr. Seuss.  Just a reminder that our Read-athon is tomorrow!  Thank you so much to Chris Timberlake for her tremendous help with our class art project for the auction.   We have included some pictures below, but we also hope to see many of you at the auction this Friday!