“If you want your children to be intelligent, read them fairy tales. If you want them to be more intelligent, read them more fairy tales.”
― Albert Einstein
“Fairy tales are more than true: not because they tell us that dragons exist, but because they tell us that dragons can be beaten.”
― Neil Gaiman
“In a utilitarian age, of all other times, it is a matter of grave importance that fairy tales should be respected."
― Charles Dickens, Works of Charles Dickens
This month we are diving into fairy tales! We have been hearing, writing about, reading, and watching different fairy tales. We are comparing them to understand different literary features that help identify and define fairy tales. At the end of this learning, we will create our own compilation of fairy tales to show all of you!
To learn more about the Frog Prince, we had helpers from fifth grade help us make origami frogs before we rewrote the story from the point of view of the frog!
ice cream party for bringing our Foundation envelopes! |
We created the witch's house from Hanzel and Gretal...did you know that it was this story that made gingerbread houses popular? Before this story, there was only gingerbread cookies and gingerbread men.
This week the kids also learned more about coding with "Scratch Kids Hour of Code" while they were in media with Ms. Boyd. She has done an amazing job helping your children learn more about technology applications in the classroom.
This was just a snapshot of what we have been busy with over the last few weeks!