Day 2 went very well!
We began a daily routine called Special Person. Each day, a new student will be chosen at random to tell us a story about their family. That story is written on a large poster and then hung in the classroom. Come in an take a look when you drop off in the morning. The Special Person also gets to be the line leader and do other special jobs during the day.
Today Bailey was our Special Person. We decided he could be Special Person because today is his birthday! Happy Birthday Bailey!
What we liked today:
"Quiet Reading"- Ava
"GeoBlocks during math was fun!" Sami
"Choosing time!" Catalina
Thanks to your classroom contributions, the children have much more "choice" during choice time. If you happen to have a game or activity that your child has outgrown a home that you would like to donate to the room, that would be great!
"Sami helped me build a giant tower with GeoBlocks!" Bailey
"Della listened when I talked." Savannah
I enjoyed hearing Catalina recommend a book from our library to a lovely! Just what a good friend would do!
Just a reminder:
Monday & Wednesday 2:20-3:00 Music
Tuesday & Thursday 2:20-3:00 PE
Friday 1:25-1:55 Library
:) Mrs. Robb
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