Tomorrow is Halloween and I feel the excitement in the air. For the month of November, the students are designing the calendar pieces. I have asked them to think of 3 things that November makes them think about.
Please be on the lookout in student backpacks today for several pieces of "mail" for you, the parents.
News and compliments from the day:
"We liked writing our math story problems." Cole & Zac
"It was nice when Ava read Amelia Bedelia with me." Katie
"I liked reading with Savannah, Colin and Sami," Grace
"When I asked Catalina to read a story with me, she said yes." Madeline
"Kora, Lainey, and Hannah were nice to me today." Savannah
"I liked our ant project today. We made a little book that tell about the jobs ants have in the ant colony." Colin
"I enjoyed listening to "Are You and Ant" book." Peter
"I liked the book "13 Nights of Halloween" Sami
See you all tomorrow! Remember, no costumes, but bring your great attitudes and smiles!