We were very busy today with special events. We saw our ant farm for the first time. The harvester ants inside are quite busy building tunnels and chambers. They are very interesting to watch.
We also were able to paint our clay totem designs- can't wait to see how the colors turn out when they are fired again.
Finally, we were lucky to have the "tree lady" come and give us wonderful information about many kinds of trees and show us a huge leaf and huge seed pod and huge cone! She also helped us make paper (it's drying now and we will take our paper home when it is dry.)
"I enjoyed learning about trees." Peter
"I liked making paper." Ava
"I liked painting clay totems." William
"Grace, thank you for being willing to tie someone's shoe without being asked." Mrs. Robb
"Katie read the I Spy book with me when I asked." Madeline
"Colin helped me design a haunted house drawing." Seth
"When I didn't like how my totem was turning out, Della told me it was cool. That made me feel better." Aoife
Reminder: 2 hour late opening tomorrow!
We've heard all about the ant farm at home. It sounds like a big hit in the classroom.