Friday, June 8, 2018

Last day of first grade 2018

Hi everyone!  Here are some pictures of our wonderful family open house!

Today the students told each other what they learned or liked about first grade - here is what they said.

"My favorite thing was art!" Eva
"I liked learning about insects." Monty
"I liked learning about penguins" Rory
"I liked learning science ideas" Brooklynn
"I liked learning about butterflies." Lila
"I liked learning about farms." Peter
"I liked raising the chicks." Reed
"I liked watching chicks hatch!" Gregory
"I thought watching the chicks hatch was cool - I kept an eye on the humidity." George
"I learned a lot about penguins." Quincy
"The play Pete the Cat was fun!" Porter
"I liked watching Pete the Cat." Jack
"It was fun to go to the farm for a field trip." Obi
"Learning about penguin chicks - they are so cute." Alex
"Learning about rocks was fun." Gracyn
"I liked learning about penguins because there are so many kinds." Tatum
"All the field trips!" Hazel
"Raising chicks." Syri
"Going to the farm." Amelia
"Learning about butterflies." Anna
"Learning more about rocks." Henry
"The farm field trip." Annabelle
"When we raised chicks and mealworms." Sofie

We had a nice day, doing our last favorite choosing time, and watching "Charlotte's Web"  - a movie that reminds us that life is full of special moments, like chicks hatching, butterflies emerging, and a spider's web - ordinary miracles that we all take for granted.
Your children are precious and unique - it has been a privilege to help them learn this year and I look forward to seeing them in the fall!

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