Friday, September 13, 2019

Moving Along with First Grade

Thank you all for the lovely Back to School Night!
 For the last 11 days of school we have been working on a project I call "Special Person".  For this activity, we choose one person each day of school who tells us a story about something they have done with their family.  Here are a few examples of how this looks:

There are several levels of learning occurring through the literacy processes. 
First, your children are learning to tell a story with a who/what/where/when and sometimes a "why".  (speaking)
The students are also learning to listen to another person's story, and ask clarifying questions (listening & thinking).
They are watching the story be drawn (viewing) which helps them solidify the story in their own mind's eye AND learn to draw many different scenarios  that they may encounter when they write stories in the future.
As you can see, the pictographs are then labeled (tagged) with symbols (written words).  This way, the student learn that all of the pictures in their head can be translated into a symbol - this is writing!
Then we read the story as a group (reading) to add another layer of our understanding of the symbols on the page (idea words). The ideas that are outlined are "sight" words (I call them glue words) because they hold the big ideas together.
Finally, the students write their own stories based upon the topic chosen by the special person.
On the social emotional side, the students are learning they they have great ideas to share, they have much in common, and they CAN read and write! 

We spoke at back to school night about using science concepts as the vehicle for reading, writing, speaking, viewing, thinking, listening and calculating.  Check out this article addressing this topic:

Have a great weekend!

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