Thursday, September 5, 2013

Thursday September 5

We had another great day.  We began a new routine called "Special Person".  Each day we will choose a new person who tells a story about something they have done with their family.  Today our Special Person was Beckett!  He told us about visiting Disney World with his family!  Very fun!  Thanks Beckett!

Today we also worked on a "Friend Scavenger Hunt".  Here are some pictures...ask your child what we did!

The students also got to have Choice time today for the first time- and we started using the iPads!
It was a great day.  Here are some ideas from the kids...

"I enjoyed Choice Time!"  Alex
"I liked reading because there are so many books to choose from." Sophia
"I liked hearing the story 'Molly Lou Melon' today." Hensley & Evalyn
"I liked the Friend Scavenger Hunt!" Beckett
"I'm glad I found the shark books." Anders
"Music class was fun and the new music teacher is nice!"  Ryder & Drew
"I'm glad I got to use the iPad today." Lola
"LEGO's are fun during choice time!" Sam
"I like drawing with my friends during choice time." Norah
"It was very friendly when Matthew let me look at the iPad while he was using it." Layton
"The polydrons are fun!" Lauren
"Beckett let me look at the iPad." Jasper

It was a busy, fun, slightly rainy day.  See you tomorrow!

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