Friday, September 14, 2012

September 14

Fun Friday!

Peter was our Special Person today.  He told us a great story about wading in the Columbia River this summer on a "scorching hot day."  Fun!

We had a fun Field Day Friday!  What a great turnout at for the Field Day activities.  The kids were nice and worn out afterward.  :)  The kids all agreed:  "Field Day was awesome!"

"Peter, Katie, and Ava helped us make paper fortunes." Calvin & the rest of the class!

Just so you know...
I am enjoying watching all of the students helping each other.  We are much like a little family here in room 13, and we should be helping each other become better people though our kind words and deeds.

We have been working on using "smaller voices" in the classroom.  I describe the sound of a voice like a "talking bubble"- much like in a comic strip. Check out this Calvin and Hobbs

The sound of your voice in the classroom should only reach as far as the ear of the person next to you.  When our talking bubbles get to loud, they cover the sounds of other talking bubbles, and then all the sounds get louder.  The talking bubble can also cover up the ideas you are thinking in your head, which means you cannot think or learn.  At school and home, we never want to be the person who stops someone from thinking and learning.  This is why we practice having a small voice at school.

One more thing:

Ask your student what color they think the apple on the calendar will be on Monday!

On a personal note:

 These sunny days in September feel like gift.  I will be enjoying the simple things this weekend- snuggling my baby boy and hubby, picking tomatoes and strawberries from our garden, attending church on Sunday.  I wish you all a wonderful, peaceful weekend. See you Monday!

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